This is a toy data set of a small amount of three condition data. The data file is comma-delimited. The data has been ln-transformed, so no normalization is needed. There is one comment line (beginning with '#') at the top, but then no header row besides. There is one label column, followed by three columns for condition 1, then three columns for condition 2, and finally two columns for condition 3.
This performs a one-way ANOVA using the Bayes-regularized variance estimates. No normalization is performed. PPDE analysis and multiple hypothesis testing correction are performed on the p-values. TukeyHSD pairwise post-hoc tests are performed between each condition using the Bayes-regularized variance estimates.
This is equivalent to a standard one-way ANOVA using empirical variances. No normalization is performed. PPDE analysis and multiple hypothesis testing correction are performed on the p-values. TukeyHSD pairwise post-hoc tests are performed between each condition using the empirical variances.